Craig Knox and Michael Wilson had the coolest idea.

Plus perfect timing.

The two researchers came up with an idea for a company, a “health dashboard for your body”.

OMX Personal Health Diagnostics is one of the first “crowdfunded” startup companies in Edmonton.

The duo work in a University of Alberta metabolomics lab, metabolomics being a new scientific ability to diagnose disease through urine analysis. The technology and its scientific foundation is in its early stages, but it’s a medical advance that, should it prove to be accurate, inexpensive and easy to use, could eventually end up in every family doc’s medical bag.

We’re at the beginning of something big, said the two U of A researchers.

Why don’t we start a personal health monitoring company based on metabolomics – a subscriber-based service would analyze individual urine samples four times a year to optimize personal health?

And why not start with a self-funded pilot project?

Thus was OMX born as one of Edmonton’s first “crowdfunded” knowledge-based companies.

“We went through Facebook,” says Michael. “We were looking for 30 subscribers. In exchange for a $300 fee, they’d be our first subscribers, receiving our My OMX kit, sending in their samples so we could give them a health report.”

Interest was high. In no time, the duo had their 30 subscribers … and $9,000 seed money for OMX.

Crowdfunding itself is still in its infancy.

Crowdfunding is quite revolutionary, and is being touted as the magic bullet to get young innovative companies off the ground by providing funding where no funding was before.

Think of crowdfunding as a virtual flea market where a pile of new companies can hawk their prototype products from their booths - on websites specially designed for the purpose.

They’re not going to sell you shampoo or the latest kitchen gadget, they’re going to sell you shares in their new company … and give you shampoo samples as well.

“Funding for new companies has always been tough because of the risk involved,” says Edmonton-based business advisor and crowdfunding expert Don Pare, a successful entrepreneur in his own right. “After the financial crisis of 2008, traditional investment money dried up. The whole world became deeply risk-adverse. Governments knew something had to be done, otherwise the new innovative business sector would be starved out of existence.

“The traditional model wasn’t working,” says Pare. “At the best of times, very few startup companies can afford the $50,000 to $100,00 it takes to prepare a new offering on the stock market, only to find nobody wants to buy their stock.”

At the same time, crowdfunding websites were coming on line, as a way of dramatically dropping the cost of buying shares in startup companies.

Three years ago, the British government created rules for those website, that, in their essence, allow individuals like you ‘n’ me to easily buy shares in little companies.

Just last week, the Ontario Securities Commission proposed rules to fully allow the buying of shares through crowdfunding sites, giving investors some protection as well.

As the Ontario Securities Commission goes, so goes the Alberta financial regulators. Business-friendly Saskatchewan is ahead of Alberta, having already set up favourable crowdfunding rules … for dynamic startup companies that move to the province.

Pare thinks crowdfunding will revolutionize the way money is raised for small companies, allowing hundreds of thousands of little guys like you and me, through crowdfunding websites like Kickstarter or Indiegogo, to invest $10 in this, $20 in that, receiving some sample product and the prospect, however slim, of hitting a financial home run.

Just think of it like going to the casino!

OMX is already preparing a more typical crowdfunding campaign for its next round of raising seed capital from the public. “Probably a KickStarter campaign,” says Michael. “It’s empowering. It’s way less expensive than the traditional means of raising capital for a small company like ours.

“It all fits. And if we’re successful, we can continue to scale up OMX to meet demand.”

Crowdfunding factoids:

Proposed Ontario Securities Commission rules for crowdfunding:

Maximum allowable amount for entrepreneurs to raise through fund-raising over 12 months, $1.5 million.

Investors limited to $10,000 maximum investment per year, $2,500 investment in any one venture.

Websites required to be registered and regulated.

Expected gross revenues of existing “awards-based” crowdfunding site Indiegogo in 2014, $1 billion.

Since 2009, crowdfunding website Kickstarter - attracted more than five million contributors pledging close to $1 billion, funding more than 55,000 individual projects.

Graham Hicks

780 707 6379
