HicksBiz Blog

Category: Adopt-A-Teen


Hicks on Biz: Help a troubled teen, please BY GRAHAM HICKS, EDMONTON SUN FIRST POSTED: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 06, 2013

It's the opening of an annual request, to give some poor, tough, confused teenager a gift for Christmas. The Edmonton Sun’s Adopt-A-Teen program celebrates our community’s loving ability to give 8,000 teens living in poverty a small Christmas gift. And it’s a time to appreciate the vows of near-poverty those working in the charitable sector have taken, and the unavoidable paradoxes any charity director must deal with. The business of charity: Those working in charitable organizations do us a huge favour. If it wasn’t for the charitable sector, government would be forced to care for so many more Albertans not so good at caring for themselves. Were it not for charities, government would groan under the financial demand of three, not two ministries – not only Health and Education, but Human Services as well. Executive in the charity sector make half to two-thirds of their earning power elsewhere. Click here to donate. Any new charity executive director rapidl ... Read the rest of entry »

Annual Adopt-A-Teen campaign kicks off BY GRAHAM HICKS, EDMONTON SUN FIRST POSTED: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 06, 2013

Christmas can be the loneliest place on Earth. Especially if you're a teen in a less-than-privileged family. Chances are it's a single-parent home, one parent raising two or three children on less on a minimal income. Chances are the kid will get new socks and underwear for Christmas -- that's all the mom or the dad or the guardian grandmother can possibly afford. That's why the Edmonton Sun's Adopt-A-Teen Christmas Gift program for underprivileged teens was created 14 years ago: To give these underprivileged teens a Christmas gift. With your help, Adopt-ATeen will make Christmas 2013 a much happier place for 8,000 Edmonton teens -- 10% of the total teen population -- who live in families eligible for Christmas Bureau or Salvation Army assistance. Each child -- for that is what these teenagers are -- will received an Adopt-ATeen $50 Walmart gift card. It's all theirs, to spend as they want -- on themselves, their friends, to buy Christmas gifts for their brothers and sisters. During the c ... Read the rest of entry »
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